
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I wanted to discuss an issue that was presented to me a while ago. Cyberbullying. There are people who are weak against bullying, and it's even worse when you start to attack them online. You don't know their circumstances, and if you're the bully I doubt you really care. However, I can tell you from the perspective of someone who used to be bullied that those words can drive someone to try and commit suicide. If asked today I could give you a list of times when I tried, or when I felt so worthless that I wanted to. I know most people don't care about what they say to someone on the internet. Especially now that there is this nice button to put you on anonymous. Yet I hope you realize just how damaging your words can be. Someone went onto my sisters page and started to insult her under the anonymous button. Luckily my sister isn't as weak as others. The girl made it a point to single out her scars and the way she looks. Verbal abuse, whether said in person or typed up online is serious. I'm a person with little to no self esteem but when people go out of their way to insult me, it kind of fires me up at first and I fight back. Sadly once the argument is over, I go into depression. I've cut before, I've tried to hang myself, I burned myself, I've done a lot. But my family and friends are the ones who help me push through. My point is that no one has any business attacking someone. If you're a bully, well I hate to say I wish the worst upon you, even if that is true, but I want to say that I hope you learn before it's too late and you wind up alone in the world.

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