
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So, taking notes during the lecture portions went well, I believe I understood most of it. The problem came whenever we went to lab. I guess I should explain a little better. Well, last week we planted mustard seeds in little containers. Simple right? Well this week we were told that any plants with a stem color other than purple had to be removed and we would have to replant. This was because we wanted the purple stem genetics for our experiment that we will do later. Well that's all fine and dandy. We had no plants with a different stem color so my group didn't have to change anything. However, what we did have was a plant that was growing much too slow, so what did we have to do? Remove it because it won't survive. So we had to plant another one. This will take till next week to show us if it is okay, or if we will have to remove it. All that sounds peachy right? Well the next project was certainly not. We had dead bees in a container and had to take one. Simple. Then we had to get a toothpick and glue. Easy. The hard part? Poking a hole in the butt of the bee to glue it to the toothpick with. Gross! But all in all, rather simple. Just have to remember to wash your hands. Otherwise, well, it's unsanitary and I don't know how you feel about having dead animal cells on your hands, but I don't like it.

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