
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


So I finished all the boards, took a while, but thanks to the help of my boyfriend things got done quicker. :) The picture above is Rapunzel's hair in the making.Yes we used yarn.

This is our completed Rapunzel, I think the little kids did a great job when it came to coloring everything. :)

A close up of our Rapunzel. I had higher expectations, but this was the best that came out of it. Sadly.

The Cinderella Castle with her mote and a fountain. Sadly my mom didn't want Cindy and just wanted the castles. If you look on the castle I'm sure you can find the smiley face one of her students drew.

"Cinderella Penguin" I've never heard of this version, but it's pretty much the same thing just with penguins. So they got an ice mote and snow on the outside of the castle. We couldn't do it on the inside of the castle because the castle is white and then it would blend in with the snow.

The cute penguin Cindy and Prince. Yes their faces are taped on.

Our Sleeping Beauty, she probably took the longest. She also lasted the shortest with her roses.

This is why our roses didn't last so long. They're moveable and the children pull them off. All that hard work for nothing. :(

Close up

The Princess and the Frog, I had a brain fart when I used the green background. So the Frog received a rock to sit on. The students kept mistaking her for Ariel because of the red hair.

Princess and the Frog close up.

Princess and the Frog close up of the Frog and her.

The rest of the pictures were for fun :)

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